Ownership and Funding Policy

Last updated: [18-05-2024]

1. Ownership

1.1. Ownership Information

kannadadailyupdate.com is owned and operated by Navakarnataka News Media, a Private Limited Liability Company registered in Karnataka.

1.2. Contact Information

For any inquiries related to ownership or the website, you may contact us at [[email protected]].

2. Editorial Independence

2.1. Editorial Team Autonomy

The editorial team at kannadanews.net operates independently and is not influenced by ownership or financial interests. Editorial decisions are made based on journalistic principles, accuracy, and the interests of our readers.

2.2. Advertiser and Sponsor Influence

While we may have advertising and sponsorship agreements, these arrangements do not compromise the integrity of our editorial content. Advertisers and sponsors do not have control over the selection, creation, or presentation of our content.

3. Funding Sources

3.1. Advertising

kannadanews.net may generate revenue through advertising, including display ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. Advertisers are clearly identified, and sponsored content is marked as such.

3.2. Donations

We may accept donations to support the continued operation and growth of kannadanews.net. Any such donations will be clearly disclosed, and they will not influence our editorial content.

3.3. Partnerships

We may enter into partnerships or collaborations with other organizations for specific projects or initiatives. These partnerships are disclosed, and they do not compromise our editorial independence.

4. Transparency

4.1. Financial Disclosure

kannadanews.net is committed to transparency in our funding sources. We provide clear information about our funding mechanisms and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

4.2. Updates to Policy

This Ownership and Funding Policy will be updated as necessary. Any changes will be clearly communicated on the kannadanews.net website.

5. User Contributions

5.1. User-Generated Content

kannadanews.net may feature user-generated content. Users are responsible for the accuracy of their submissions, and such content is subject to our fact-checking and editorial processes.

6. Compliance

6.1. Legal Compliance

kannadanews.net operates in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing online publications and disclosure of ownership and funding sources.

7. Community Engagement

7.1. Feedback and Inquiries

We value feedback from our readers and the broader community. If you have questions or concerns about our ownership or funding, please contact us at [[email protected]].

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Ownership and Funding Policy, please contact us at [[email protected]].