Fact-Check Policy

Last updated: [18-05-2024]

1. Purpose

At kannadadailyupdate.com, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. This Fact-Check Policy outlines our commitment to verifying the facts in our content to ensure the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

2. Fact-Checking Process

2.1. Research and Verification

  • Primary Sources: We prioritize information from primary sources, such as official documents, direct statements, and original research.
  • Secondary Sources: When primary sources are unavailable, we use reputable secondary sources, ensuring they are credible and reliable.
  • Cross-Verification: We cross-verify information with multiple sources to confirm its accuracy.

2.2. Reviewer Expertise

Our fact-checking is conducted by experienced journalists and editors with expertise in the relevant subject matter. They use their knowledge to critically assess the credibility of sources and the validity of the information.

3. Transparency

3.1. Source Attribution

We provide clear attribution for all sources used in our articles. Whenever possible, we include links to original sources so that readers can verify the information independently.

3.2. Corrections

If an error is identified in our content, we promptly correct it and provide a clear explanation of the changes made. Corrections are noted at the end of the article, indicating the nature of the error and the date of the correction.

4. User Engagement

4.1. Feedback

We encourage our readers to provide feedback and notify us of any potential errors. Readers can contact us at [[email protected]] to report inaccuracies or request clarifications.

4.2. Response Time

We strive to respond to factual error notifications promptly. Our editorial team reviews each report thoroughly and makes necessary corrections in a timely manner.

5. Commitment to Impartiality

5.1. Non-Partisanship

Our fact-checking process is impartial and non-partisan. We are committed to verifying facts objectively, regardless of political or ideological perspectives.

5.2. Balanced Reporting

We strive to provide balanced reporting by including multiple perspectives on controversial issues. Our goal is to present a comprehensive view of the facts, allowing readers to form their own informed opinions.

6. Training and Standards

6.1. Staff Training

Our editorial staff undergoes regular training on fact-checking methodologies and standards. This ensures that our team remains up-to-date with best practices in journalism and fact-checking.

6.2. Adherence to Standards

We adhere to recognized journalistic standards and ethics, including those set forth by organizations such as the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).

7. Periodic Review

We periodically review and update our fact-checking practices and policies to adapt to new challenges and maintain the highest standards of accuracy and integrity.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Fact-Check Policy or wish to report an error, please contact us at [[email protected]].